Monday 21 December 2015


Top 6 fat loss myths which are biggest hurdle in your success.

It might be possible your are working hard but not achieving your desired results because your falling to one or more fat loss myths mentioned below. Have a look at them and see which is reason behind your failure. 
1. Spot Reduction

I have seen many people in my own gym doing hundred of crunches everyday thinking they will loose blanket of fat on their belly and will reach six packs abs target. That's the biggest myth. Research have found you can't spot reduce it is not possible. Fat will burn overall from your body and many famous fitness experts like Kris gethin have endorsed it.

2. Fat Will Convert Into Muscle

This is the most funny myth.Around 3 years ago when I was in my gym and was doing workout  a guy came to me and he told that by bodybuilding your fat will transform into muscles but when I did research and I found that it is not possible. Fat and muscles are two completely different things and never muscle will transform into fat nor fat will transform into muscle.

3. Every Fat Is Bad Fat

It is another silly myth remember fat is essential element and in our diet and our body needs it.It plays a major role in healthy skin,joint lubrication and hormone production specially omega-3 is important for brain processing and memory.Healthy fat can be found in avocados,dry fruits,olive oil,fish and coconut oil.Fat don't make you fat but calories does.

4. Supplements Are Magic Pills

It is widely considered that fat burning supplements is a magic pill. It is not possible that on Monday night your body fat will be 20% and after taking one capsule of fat burning supplements your body fat will be 17% next morning this cannot be. Getting rid of fat requires combination of workout,cardio and nutrition after following these three things closely then only you can drop significant amount of fat.

5. Longer The Cardio More The Fat Burn

Longer you will do cardio more amount of fat you will burn.This thing is still suggested by few trainers and it is completely wrong experts like Jim Stoppani have completely rejected it.In all researches it is found longer hours of cardio like walk on treadmill for one hour will burn less calories than high interval intensity training(HIIT) does.Example of HIIT can be sprinting for 30 seconds and then walk for one minute and repeating this whole process for 20 minutes.

6. Crash Diet

I f you think Staying hungry for many hours and eating less for overall day will result in fat loss Then you are totally wrong this method will do nothing but will make you feel weak,spoil your health because your body requires energy to do task and that energy comes from food. Eating balanced diet and eating small meals frequently after 2 hours boosts metabolism which aids in fat loss.

These were six fat loss myths many people will not be aware of this and would have been trying fat loss but with end result zero.So if you are falling to any above mentioned myth then avoid it and you will start seeing change.

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