Saturday 28 February 2015


The Tor project released a new browser version 4.0.4 for Tor anonymiser network on Wednesday, 25th Feb with support for Firefox 31.5.0 and lots of bug fixes..The browser can be downloaded for from here and with TorProjectDistribution Directory.

According to tor project the above version is stable release which is signed by one of the subkeys of the Tor Browser Developers signing key from now on, too. You can find its fingerprint on the Signing Keys page. It is:
pub 4096R/0x4E2C6E8793298290 2014-12-15
Key fingerprint = EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7
DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329 8290
Tor Browser 4.0.4 is based on Firefox ESR 31.5.0, which features some important security updates for Mozilla Firefox. Secondally, it contains updates to NoScript, HTTPS-Everywhere, and OpenSSL.
Here is the changelog since 4.0.3:
All Platforms
  • Update Firefox to 31.5.0esr
  • Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1l
  • Update NoScript to
  • Update HTTPS-Everywhere to 4.0.3
  • Bug 14203: Prevent meek from displaying an extra update notification
  • Bug 14849: Remove new NoScript menu option to make permissions permanent
  • Bug 14851: Set NoScript pref to disable permanent permissions
On the other hand AVG and Panda antivirus engines are however flagging the new version as malware and if you are running any of the two virus scanners on your PC, you will not be able to install the new Tor. To install Tor, you have to DISABLE the antivirus prior to installation.
Once installed you can enable the anitvirus again and continue normally. It is awkward that AVG and Panda are flagging Tor as malware because apparently, Microsoft’s own antivirus and malware detector, the Microsoft Security Essentials, finds no issues with new Tor.

You can help Tor community by reporting the flagged issues as ‘false positives’  to both AVG and Panda so that they can make changes in features of their AV products.
The Tor seems to have some bugs related to exit nodes. An anonymous commented said that the Tor crashed when he tried to set ExitNodes {AU}. He also noted that he was not able to reopen the crashed Tor so he reinstalled it. This issue has not been raised by any other user/addressed by the Tor community.
You can get the signing keys by visiting here.

Friday 27 February 2015


Most of us know's about C, C++, JAVA and Python etc., but as you go more deeper into this field, you will realize the value and amount of money that can be earned with some other languages.
The favorite coding language debate is one of the hottest and interesting topics of discussion among the coders and programmer has his/her own reasons to defend a particular language. Last year the average salary of a computer programmer inched towards an all-time high of $100,000.
These are the most hiighest paying languages.Coz at the end of the day it's all about big money.
12. PERL - $82,513
11. SQL - $85,511
10. Visual Basic - $85,962
9. C# - $89,074
8. R - $90,055
7. C - $90,134
6. JavaScript – $91,461
5. C++ - $93,502
4. JAVA - $94,908
3. Python - $100,717
2. Objective C - $108,225
1, RUBY ON RAIL - 116,196


I think we all know it is very difficult to find your phone when left in silent mode. Most of us start making calls although it doesn’t make any sense if vibration mode  is also off.Now I am going to tell you a better way to find your android device if left in silent mode.
You have to use Google’s official Android Device Manager to locate your phone, here are the simple steps:
  1. Go to Android Device Manager by Google in your desktop browser, follow the link HERE.
  2. Login with the same Gmail account you used for GOOGLE play store.
  3. Now you will see your device name and last login date. Also, you will be seeing three options i.e. Ring, Lock and Erase.
  4. By clicking on Ring, your device starts ringing at high volume which help you find your phone in seconds. This function works even when your phone is in silent mode.

  1. You can also Lock your phone with password if you have lost your device. You have to input a message and a number to make sure whoever finds your phone, can call you back at that number(but nowadays no one i that nice).

  1. If the Location services option in your device is turned on, you can find the exact location of the device by clicking on locate service which is at the right side of the device name.
  2. You can also delete all the data by clicking on Erase. It’ll perform a factory reset on your device. Your apps, photos, music and settings or every single stuff will be deleted immediately. After you erase the device, Android Device Manager will no longer work. Factory reset setting will start working automatically when your device is online.

Thursday 26 February 2015


would you like to use a download speed of 1TB per sec? Researchers at University of Surrey have managed to achieve a ming-boggling speed of 1TB under test conditions, while testing Fifth Generation Mobile Telephone or 5G network in University of Surrey.
This was told by Professor Rahim Tafazolli at the #V3 Enterprise Mobility Summit.  Professor Rahim Tafazolli is the director of the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) at University of Surrey and has been monitoring 5G tests.
Prof.Rahim told V3 that, 
“it was the first time in the world that such speeds had been achieved, far faster than any other tests such as Samsung’s 7.5Gbps results.”
 Explaining the working of 5GIC, the professor said that they had been doing research on the latest technologies which can support 5G services. The technological innovations simply mean's that the research team had been able to achieve the speed of 1Tbps results. “We have developed 10 more breakthrough technologies and one of them means we can cross or touch the 1Tbps barrier on wireless device. This is the same capacity as fibre optics but we are doing it wirelessly,” he told V3.

Prof. Rahim said that the research team carried out this experiment  in complete lab conditions over a distance of 100 meters using transmitters and receivers build by them. He added that they will conduct this experiment outside the university premises in late 2016 or early 2017 and hoped that they could hold a public demonstration in early 2018.
Hoping to stay ahead of other research teams from South Korea, Russia and Japan, the professor stated that, “We want to be the first in the world to show such high speeds.”

Ofcom believes that speeds of 50GB/s is possible on 5G networks when they are implemented commercially but 1TB seems tough in physical conditions outside the university test labs. But the professor does not think so, he says that this speed seems achievable provided they can come up with higher latency and reliability.

“An important aspect of 5G is how it will support applications in the future. We don’t know what applications will be in use by 2020, or 2030 or 2040 for that matter, but we know they will be highly sensitive to latency,” he said.  “We need to bring end-to-end latency down to below one millisecond so that it can enable new technologies and applications that would just not be possible with 4G,” he added.
Though 5G is only on lab stage or testing stage right now, commercial implementation of 5G networks will hopefully be started by the year 2020.


At around 4.00 pm ET, Lizard Squad hacked,defaced and took over the Lenovo website.
while on other side lizard squad tweeted:

Expect more lizard mischief soon.

Wednesday 25 February 2015


Siri/Cortana listening posts for Apple/Microsoft and their marketeers 
       "Everything you’ve ever said to Siri/Cortana has been recorded…and I get to listen to it” says an employee of Walk N’Talk Technologies"
A Redditor, FallenMyst today stated on a Reddit thread, people other than the users can also hear easily what the user says to Siri and Cortana and it might be use to harm the user in long run.

FallenMyst fruther said in thread that he had just joined a tech firm, Walk N’Talk Technologies where he had to listen sound bytes, match it with what is said in an audio click and then give the feedback about the quality of performance to his bosses.
He said that he joined a walkntalk company where he get to listen to sound bytes and rate how the text matches up with what is said in an audio clip and give feedback on what should be done to improve things.
So far FallenMyst thought that the sound bytes being given to him for checking may be random. However he noticed a pattern in the voice samples and realised that they were sound samples of users giving voice instructions to their smartphones using either Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana.
Personal conevrsations between users and siri/cortana should not be heard by anyone in a moral dilemma.
“Soon, I realized that I was hearing peoples commands given to their mobile devices. Guys, I’m telling you, if you’ve said it to your phone, it’s been recorded…and there’s a damn good chance a 3rd party is going to hear it, FallenMyst states on the thread.
  It looks like that whatever user says to siri/cortana is recorded and used by third party.
Though it may be innocent stuff like “Siri, do you like me?” but in the end, a unwanted person is hearing a personal communication meant to be for Siri/Cortana’s ears only.
“I heard everything from kiddos asking innocent things like “Siri, do you like me?” to some guy asking Galaxy to lick his bxxxxxe. I wish I was kidding,” FallenMyst states.

Further, if such information being store by Apple or Microsoft, did they asked users before storing it. Can Apple/Microsoft guarantee that such personal conversations are safe from hackersand will not be used against users.  Sometimes, innocent stuff can land you in a soup.
 [–]mjrbac0n 1 point 55 minutes ago
“It’s helps pay for the device, like commercials.” Once the sound waves leave your mouth, you don’t own them anymore anyway.
[–]TheGreenJedi1 pointSo i have a quick question OP,
If I remember some similar articles about this stuff happening the data is scrubbed of name and location and many other details, it’d be pretty hard for it to get traced back to a user in regards to the sexting.
Is that true?
Voice Commands are only going to get better through the work your doing at “Walk N’Talk Technologies.” So I’m really not surprised. I consider it my duty to future generations to help this technology work. I’m slightly surprised at the number of people using it for sexting though.
[–]jpgray1 pointPretty interesting. I wonder if there’s going to be court cases in the near future on this sort of thing & stuff like the samsung TVs and xbox kinect recording people unwittingly. I don’t care what terms of use you agree to when you buy your device, people aren’t knowingly giving consent to this level of monitoring and it’s definitely an invasion of privacy.
 Well he has got a strong case against apple and microsoft for breach terms of agreement and moral values.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


In this tutorial, I’m going to tell you how to hack wifi.Now, given that we have Kail Linux, open up a terminal window, type in “ifconfig “. This is going to list all the networking interfaces connected to your device.
Here, we need (wlan0) which is our wifi card.So we will disable others by typing ifconfig("name of interface")down.
now we will type "airmon-ng start wlan0"
(airmon-ng is a tool for monitoring air traffic, “start” basically starts the tool, and “wlan0” specifies the interface we are using for monitoring)
It’ll probably show “some processes that could cause trouble”, we’ll simply kill those processes by typing  “kill <process ID>”.
Now if we type "ifconfig" it will only show the monitoring mode "mon0"
Then,type, “airodump-ng mon0”.
In the screenshot below, the highlighted bssid is our target (and it is my own), the channel is 13 as we can see under in “CH” column.
In  next step we will type “airodump-ng –c <channel> -w <name> –bssid <bssid> mon0”.
Let me tell you few things here, “airodump-ng” is a tool for capturing Wi-Fi packets, “<channel>” means the channel your target is running on, “-w” basically writes a file by the name that succeeds it in “<name>”, (I did “handshake” just for the convenience of it) bssid is a string of numbers specific to a hotspot.
Than, open up a new terminal and type “aireply-ng -0 0 –a <bssid> mon0”, this command send a deauthentication signal (usually called a deauth packet) to all the devices connected to that hotspot. Then after few moments stop it by “Ctrl+C”. Now, as we can see, the other terminal shows that the WPA Handshake was successfully captured.
We will close both windows at this point, and open a new one. Type “ls”; that should list the files in the current directory. We can clearly see that the files from the above operation are present. But we only need the file ending with “-01.cap”.
Then open a new terminal type, “aircrack-ng –w <full location of the wordlist> <the file name>”.remember it the file will be ending with .cap.
You may be asking what wordlist? What is that sh*t?
A Wordlist is a file containing thousands of known and possible passwords, which you can download from the internet. The one I used can be found here. The list contains 982,963,904 words exactly all optimized for WPA/WPA2. Would also just like to point out that this is not my work, I got it from It was a guy who compiled a whole load of useful lists, including his own to come up with 2 lists (one is 11gb and one is 2gb) I will be seeding this torrent indefinitely since it is shareware and it's awesome!
It will then start  matching keys in the word list. Now the time it will take completely depend's on the strength of the password. The stronger the password the more time will it take.
After completion it looks something like the screenshot below. In it, you can see that it tested 45688 keys and my key was the 45689th.
Now you can use this passowrd on that wifi network and enjoy.This tutorial is completely for educational purpose.For further and news from world of technology and hacking stay tuned to


Hendo has introduced the world’s first real hoverboard and hover development kit. This Hendo hoverboard hovers is almost 1 inch off the ground and is clearly visible in the prototype video. The company which own's it is running a Kickstarter campaign and getting a positive response from Kickstarter community. The Hendo hoverboard is able to lift a person of average weight and defy the gravity, giving you a great magical experience.

Do you know the science behind it?
The Hendo hoverboard performs this magical stint using its four disc-shaped hover engines. These engines create a strong magnetic field which pushes against itself. This push helps the board to get the thrust to needed to levitate the board off the ground. This board also drives you forward by alteration of forces which are being released from powerful engines.

The scientific method to turn this imagination into reality used here is electromagnetic levitation using electromagnetic repulsion.
This Hendo hoverboard needs a non-ferromagnetic conductor and the company is using common metals in form of simple sheets, but they are working on new and cheaper materials to minimize the cost and maximize the performance.
What is Whitebox Developer Kit?
Describing the developer kit, Hendo writes on Kickstarter:
Until the hoverboard is within everyone’s reach, we are offering the same technology in a small, accessible form factor – the Whitebox™ Developer Kit.
 It is an affordable developer kit with main focus on being user-friendly and designed to be explored and analyzed by hoverboard enthusiasts to create something new. This kit is operated by mobiles devices and has builtin charging systems. This has ability to move according to your instructions.

What can we expect from Hendo Hoverboard in future?
Given the fact that Hendo already has a working hoverboard, we can expect Hendo to develop something bigger and better in the future. This technology has several applications in fields like transportation, earthquake resistant structures, movable structures etc. The project is yet to be perfected but it is exciting to know that the hoverboard technology has arrived.

That's hoverboard but the world will soon witness real life transformer.To get further news of technology and hacking stay tuned to

Monday 23 February 2015


Below are the basic linux commands specially for beginners :

  • mkdir – make directories
    Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY…
    eg. mkdir lhn
  • ls – list directory contents
    Usage: ls [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. ls, ls ­l, ls lhn
  • cd – changes directories
    Usage: cd [DIRECTORY]
    eg. cd lhn
  • pwd ­-  print name of current working directory
    Usage: pwd
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vim lhn.txt
  • cp – copy files and directories
    Usage: cp [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt
    cp sample_copy.txt target_dir
  • mv – move (rename) files
    Usage: mv [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. mv source.txt target_dir
    mv old.txt new.txt
  • rm ­ remove files or directories
    Usage: rm [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. rm file1.txt , rm ­rf some_dir
  • find – search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find file1.txt, find ­name file1.txt
  • history – prints recently used commands
    Usage: history
  • cat – concatenate files and print on the standard output
    Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. cat file1.txt file2.txt
    cat ­n file1.txt
  • echo – display a line of text
    Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] …
    eg. echo I love India
    echo $HOME
  • grep ­- print lines matching a pattern
    Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]…
    eg. grep ­i apple sample.txt
  •  wc ­- print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
    Usage: wc [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg.  wc file1.txt
    wc ­L file1.txt
  • sort – sort lines of text files
    Usage: sort [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. sort file1.txt
    sort ­r file1.txt
  • tar – to archive a file
    Usage: tar [OPTION] DEST SOURCE
    eg. tar ­cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original
    tar ­xvf /home/archive.tar
  • kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
    Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
    eg. kill ­9 2275
  • ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
    Usage: ps [OPTION]
    eg. ps,  ps ­el
  • who – show who is logged on
    Usage: who [OPTION]
    eg. who , who ­b , who ­q
  • passwd – update  a user’s authentication tokens(s)
    Usage: passwd [OPTION]
    eg. passwd
  •  su –  change user ID or become super­user
    Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN]
    eg. su remo, su
  • chown – change file owner and group
    Usage: chown [OPTION]… OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE…
    eg. chown remo myfile.txt
  • chmod – change file access permissions
    Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
    eg. chmod 744
  • zip – package and compress (archive) files
    Usage: zip [OPTION] DEST SOURSE
    eg. zip original
  • unzip – list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
    Usage: unzip filename
    eg. unzip original.zi
  • ssh – SSH client (remote login program)
    “ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for
    executing commands on a remote machine”
    Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname
    eg. ssh ­X guest@
  • scp – secure copy (remote file copy program)
    “scp copies files between hosts on a network”
    Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
    eg. scp file1.txt guest@
  • fdisk – partition manipulator
    eg. sudo fdisk ­l
  • mount – mount a file system
    Usage: mount ­t type device dir
    eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target
  • umount – unmount file systems
    Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device…
    eg.  umount /media/target
  • du – estimate file space usage
    Usage:  du [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. du
  • df – report filesystem disk space usage
    Usage: df [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. df
  • quota – display disk usage and limits
    Usage: quota [OPTION]
    eg. quota ­v
  • reboot – reboot the system
    Usage: reboot [OPTION]
    eg. reboot
  • poweroff – power off the system
    Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
    eg. poweroff
  • kate – KDE Advanced Text Editor
    Usage:  kate [options][file(s)]
    eg. kate file1.txt file2.txt
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vi hello.c
  • gedit ­ A text Editor. Used to create and edit files.
    Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. gedit
  • bg – make a foreground process to run in background
    Usage: type ‘ctrl+z’  and then ‘bg ‘
  • fg – to make background process as foreground process
    Usage: fg [jobid]
  • jobs – displays the names and ids of background jobs
    Usage: jobs
  • sed ­  stream editor for filtering and transforming text
    Usage: sed [OPTION] [input­file]…
    eg. sed ‘s/love/hate/g’ loveletter.txt
  • awk ­ pattern scanning and processing language
    eg.  awk ­F: ‘{ print $1 }’ sample_awk.txt
  • find ­ search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find ­name file1.txt
  • locate – find or locate a file

  • Usage: locate [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. locate file1.txt

Linux File Permissions
  • 3 types of file permissions – read, write, execute
  • 10 bit format from ‘ls ­l’ command
    1             2 3 4      5 6 7     8 9 10
    file type    owner     group    others
    eg. drwxrw­r­­   means owner has all three permissions,
    group has read and write, others have only read
  • read permission – 4, write – 2, execute ­1
    eg. rwxrw­r­­   = 764
    673    =   rw­rwx­wx