Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Siri/Cortana listening posts for Apple/Microsoft and their marketeers 
       "Everything you’ve ever said to Siri/Cortana has been recorded…and I get to listen to it” says an employee of Walk N’Talk Technologies"
A Redditor, FallenMyst today stated on a Reddit thread, people other than the users can also hear easily what the user says to Siri and Cortana and it might be use to harm the user in long run.

FallenMyst fruther said in thread that he had just joined a tech firm, Walk N’Talk Technologies where he had to listen sound bytes, match it with what is said in an audio click and then give the feedback about the quality of performance to his bosses.
He said that he joined a walkntalk company where he get to listen to sound bytes and rate how the text matches up with what is said in an audio clip and give feedback on what should be done to improve things.
So far FallenMyst thought that the sound bytes being given to him for checking may be random. However he noticed a pattern in the voice samples and realised that they were sound samples of users giving voice instructions to their smartphones using either Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana.
Personal conevrsations between users and siri/cortana should not be heard by anyone in a moral dilemma.
“Soon, I realized that I was hearing peoples commands given to their mobile devices. Guys, I’m telling you, if you’ve said it to your phone, it’s been recorded…and there’s a damn good chance a 3rd party is going to hear it, FallenMyst states on the thread.
  It looks like that whatever user says to siri/cortana is recorded and used by third party.
Though it may be innocent stuff like “Siri, do you like me?” but in the end, a unwanted person is hearing a personal communication meant to be for Siri/Cortana’s ears only.
“I heard everything from kiddos asking innocent things like “Siri, do you like me?” to some guy asking Galaxy to lick his bxxxxxe. I wish I was kidding,” FallenMyst states.

Further, if such information being store by Apple or Microsoft, did they asked users before storing it. Can Apple/Microsoft guarantee that such personal conversations are safe from hackersand will not be used against users.  Sometimes, innocent stuff can land you in a soup.
 [–]mjrbac0n 1 point 55 minutes ago
“It’s helps pay for the device, like commercials.” Once the sound waves leave your mouth, you don’t own them anymore anyway.
[–]TheGreenJedi1 pointSo i have a quick question OP,
If I remember some similar articles about this stuff happening the data is scrubbed of name and location and many other details, it’d be pretty hard for it to get traced back to a user in regards to the sexting.
Is that true?
Voice Commands are only going to get better through the work your doing at “Walk N’Talk Technologies.” So I’m really not surprised. I consider it my duty to future generations to help this technology work. I’m slightly surprised at the number of people using it for sexting though.
[–]jpgray1 pointPretty interesting. I wonder if there’s going to be court cases in the near future on this sort of thing & stuff like the samsung TVs and xbox kinect recording people unwittingly. I don’t care what terms of use you agree to when you buy your device, people aren’t knowingly giving consent to this level of monitoring and it’s definitely an invasion of privacy.
 Well he has got a strong case against apple and microsoft for breach terms of agreement and moral values.

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